Institut Langevin

Institut Langevin (Paris) is a multi-disciplinary research institute that was created by Mathias Fink in 2009, at ESPCI ParisTech. It was founded on the skills of the Laboratoire Ondes et Acoustique and the Laboratoire d’Optique Physique of the school, to develop the study of waves to a world level, for new applications and new methods of imaging. The research conducted within this CNRS unit (UMR) goes from basic and theoretical physics, to the most elaborate of applications, from multi-wave imaging (e.g., acousto-optic, photo-acoustic, ultrasound, magnetic resonance elastography), to original focusing techniques (i.e., time reversal, inverse filter, controlled wavefront), through start-up foundations in biomedical, telecommunication, domotic, and more.
Institut Langevin does not require funds for experiments or numerical works since the team has already the laboratory equipment needed to perform the work described in WP2. Indeed, there are already two very performant simulation tools, one computer with 64 GBs of RAM and 16 cores for commercial calculations such as Comsol Multiphysics, and a server for C++ routines with multiple cores. On the experimental side, Institut Langevin is equipped with a 8m3 homemade anechoic acoustic chamber that allows measurement with 120 dB of dynamic range, a 2D translation stage able to cover square meters, 32 input/output channels soundcards and many speakers and microphones for sound generation and measurement.
Note finally that a PhD, Simon Yves, will participate to WP2 with his supervisors at the beginning of the project and will later on receive support from the postdoc hired thanks to the grant proposal.

Updated on 29 septembre 2016