The project
The META-FORET project is a large-scale wave manipulation with a multidisciplinary approach devised by a team composed of physicists, geophysicists and engineers.
The goal of the META-FORET project is to demonstrate that metamaterial physics that are classically observed at small scale in optics or acoustics as a way to cancel or bend waves can exist at the very large scale in geophysics.
Research that really resonates
An exciting area of physics, metamaterials, that began in optics and electromagnetism, is now (…)
Documentaire scientifique Xenius (ARTE)
L’expérience METAFORET a eu l’honneur d’une partie d’un documentaire scientifique diffusée par (…)
Reportage France 3 Aquitaine
Avant de découvrir le reportage d’ARTE (début février 2017), jetez un oeil au reportage de (…)