Team members

Philippe ROUX, ISTerre

***Scientific coordinator, Research Director CNRS As one of M. FINK’s former student (from 1994 to 1997), and then as one of his team member when recruited as a Research Associate at CNRS (from 1998 to 2001), Philippe ROUX was educated in sciences with an interdisciplinary approach for wave propagation in complex media where small scale and large scale experiments always merge together at some point. Philippe ROUX is an experimentalist with a strong background in ultrasonics, underwater (…)

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Philippe GUEGUEN, ISTerre

***Research director IFFSTAR
Philippe GUEGUEN is a senior (DR1) research scientist at the Earth Sciences Institute (ISTerre, Grenoble) and at IFSTTAR. He got in 2000 a PhD in Geophysics at the Joseph Fourier University in Grenoble. Since then, he has been working mainly as a researcher in engineering seismology and earthquake engineering. His research is related with seismic vulnerability and strong ground motion, with a special emphasis on the effects of buildings on the free-field ground (…)

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Sébastien GUENNEAU, Institut Fresnel

***Research Director CNRS Sébastien GUENNEAU graduated from Université de Provence (Aix-Marseille I) with a Master Degree (Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies) in Partial Differential Equations and Probabilities in 1997, and a Bachelor Degree (Licence) in Physics in 2000 from Université Paul Cézanne (Aix-Marseille III). He was awarded his PhD (co-supervised by Guy Bouchitté, professor of Mathematics at Université de Toulon et du Var, and Frédéric Zolla, professor of Physics at Aix-Marseille (…)

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Geoffroy LEROSEY, Institut Langevin

***Research Scientist CNRS Geoffroy LEROSEY graduated from “French Grande Ecole” ESPCI ParisTech in 2002, then obtained a Master at University Paris 6 in 2002, and did his PhD at Laboratoire Ondes et Acoustique, Université Paris 7, supervised by Mathias Fink (2002-2006). From this PhD work, 2 patents have been issued as well as 7 publications published including one in PRL and one in Science. After his PhD, he did his postdoctoral researches at Pr Xiang Zhang’s Lab., University of California (…)

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Fabrice LEMOULT, Institut Langevin

***Assistant Professor ESPCI Paris
Fabrice LEMOULT graduated from “French Grande Ecole” ESPCI ParisTech in 2007, then obtained a Master at University Paris 7 in 2008, and did his PhD at Insitut Langevin, Université Paris 7, supervised by Mathias Fink (2008-2011). From this PhD work, 2 patents have been issued as well as 8 publications published including 3 in PRL and one in Nature Physics. After his PhD, he did a postdoctoral research at Pr. John Page, University of Manitoba at Winnipeg (…)

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Benoit QUANDALLE, Menard

***Research and Development Director
Benoit QUANDALLE graduated from French management and engineering school Ecole Centrale Paris in 1998. He joined ground engineering leader Soletanche Bachy as a site engineer in Hong Kong and then as a design engineer in France (remediation foundations for the Grand Palais, Paris). He then moved to New Zealand in 2002 where he worked for 3 years for a local soil stabilization contractor to introduce in the country deep soil mixing and the use of (…)

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Director of the Regional Centre of the Forest Property of Aquitaine (and from January 1st 2017 of New Aquitaine), Roland DE LARY prepared an engineering degree in agronomy, completed by studies at the National School of Waters and Forests Engineering at Nancy. Born in Perigord (Aquitaine) he worked in various organizations including an expertise office, a timber trade, forestry cooperatives, a chamber of commerce and industry before returning to the CRPF structure in 2012 where he had worked (…)

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Richard CRASTER, Imperial College London

***Professor of Applied Mathematics, Head of Mathematics Department
Richard CRASTER graduated in 1989 from Imperial College with the prize as the top Mathematics student in the University of London, this was followed by Part III of the Mathematics Tripos (with distinction) from Cambridge, and he was awarded his PhD in 1992 having been based in industry at Schlumberger Cambridge Research. This was followed by a Junior Research Fellowship in Cambridge and he rejoined Imperial College in 1996 (…)

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Andréa COLOMBI, Imperial College London

***Marie Curie Post-doctoral Fellow Andrea completed his undergraduate studies in Industrial Engineering in 2009 at the Università di Brescia (Italy). During this period he spent one year at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) as Erasmus student and one semester at the Tennessee Technological University (USA) carrying out a master thesis project on numerical methods for dense matrices.
In 2010 he started a PhD in Seismology at ETH Zurich, supervised by Prof. D. GIARDINI, there he (…)

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