Andréa COLOMBI, Imperial College London
Marie Curie Post-doctoral Fellow

Andrea completed his undergraduate studies in Industrial Engineering in 2009 at the Università di Brescia (Italy). During this period he spent one year at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) as Erasmus student and one semester at the Tennessee Technological University (USA) carrying out a master thesis project on numerical methods for dense matrices.
In 2010 he started a PhD in Seismology at ETH Zurich, supervised by Prof. D. GIARDINI, there he specialized in computational elastodynamics for complex media, inverse problems and high performance computing. After obtaining the PhD in 2013, thanks to a fellowship awarded by the Swiss National Science Foundations, he spent 18 months at ISTerre Grenoble (France) working with P. ROUX and M. CAMPILLO on the experimental and numerical characterization of complex media, resonant metamaterials and the dynamic interactions in a cluster of closely spaced buildings. This research project culminated with the first demonstration of a metamaterial for Rayleigh waves that has later inspired the meta-forest project.
In 2015 his research on metamaterials has been boosted by a Marie Curie Fellowship at Imperial College where he is now working for a broad application of elastic metamaterials in several fields of wave physics : seismic waves (Hz), ultrasonic (kHz) and hypersonic (GHz). The research approach combines laboratory or field experiments with large numerical simulations carried out on the French National Computing Infrastructure TGCC (Saclay), CIMENT Grenoble and ARCHER (UK).
He has authored or co-authored 16 articles in peer reviewed journals spanning the area of seismology, acoustics and solid-mechanics. He has given 6 invited talks and participated in more than 20 international conferences.
Updated on 30 septembre 2016