Geoffroy LEROSEY, Institut Langevin

***Research Scientist CNRS

Geoffroy LEROSEY graduated from “French Grande Ecole” ESPCI ParisTech in 2002, then obtained a Master at University Paris 6 in 2002, and did his PhD at Laboratoire Ondes et Acoustique, Université Paris 7, supervised by Mathias Fink (2002-2006). From this PhD work, 2 patents have been issued as well as 7 publications published including one in PRL and one in Science. After his PhD, he did his postdoctoral researches at Pr Xiang Zhang’s Lab., University of California at Berkeley. He worked on theoretical and numerical concepts regarding metamaterials and surface plasmon polaritons. He joined the Institut Langevin in February 2008 as a Research Scientist (CNRS). He has been the scientific director and co-director of 7 PhD students and 12 Master students. He is the author of 40 published or submitted publications and he also co-authored 12 patent applications, 6 of whom have already been emitted. He was invited 10 times for seminars (4 times abroad), 30 times for invited talks, and has given more than 70 talks in international meetings. His area of expertise include transient propagation of fields in complex, reverberating and locally resonant media, subwavelength imaging and focusing, electromagnetic and acoustic metamaterials, photonic and phononic crystals, plasmonics, coherent control of optical fields, time reversal and signal processing, wave front shaping techniques, compact MIMO antennas. Geoffroy LEROSEY received the Diderot Prize for Innovation along with Mathias Fink, Julien de Rosny and Arnaud Tourin in 2007 from university Paris 7 Denis Diderot and the Langlois Prize for the best PhD at ESPCI ParisTech in 2006.

Updated on 20 septembre 2016