Philippe GUEGUEN, ISTerre
Research director IFFSTAR
Philippe GUEGUEN is a senior (DR1) research scientist at the Earth Sciences Institute (ISTerre, Grenoble) and at IFSTTAR. He got in 2000 a PhD in Geophysics at the Joseph Fourier University in Grenoble. Since then, he has been working mainly as a researcher in engineering seismology and earthquake engineering. His research is related with seismic vulnerability and strong ground motion, with a special emphasis on the effects of buildings on the free-field ground motion, the soil-structure interaction and the structural health monitoring. He was the Director of the French Accelerometric Network (2004-2011 and 2014-present), he participated to various national and European projects as coordinator (ANR-URBASIS ; Interreg RiskNat) or participants (NERIES-FP6, NERA-FP7, Strest-FP7) and is co-owner of a US and European Patent on ambient vibrations measurements tools. He published more than 40 papers in peer-review journals.
Updated on 20 septembre 2016