Benoit QUANDALLE, Menard
Research and Development Director

Benoit QUANDALLE graduated from French management and engineering school Ecole Centrale Paris in 1998. He joined ground engineering leader Soletanche Bachy as a site engineer in Hong Kong and then as a design engineer in France (remediation foundations for the Grand Palais, Paris). He then moved to New Zealand in 2002 where he worked for 3 years for a local soil stabilization contractor to introduce in the country deep soil mixing and the use of networks of soil mixing inclusions to stabilize slopes in seismic New Zealand. He returned to France in 2005 where he joined Setec TPI, a leading French consultancy specialized in the design of challenging structures. Given his previous experience, Benoit managed several projects involving Soil Structure Interaction, including high retaining walls, reinforced earth walls and a cut-and-cover tunnel on A41N motorway in the Alps. Benoit then joined Menard in 2009 in the Middle East to develop Menard’s soil improvement business in Saudi Arabia. Menard won several major projects there involving dynamic compaction and vibro-compaction techniques, to overcome settlement and liquefaction issues. Benoit took over the management of Menard’s new R&D department in 2014. One of his task has been to redefine the axis of research on ground improvement solutions in seismic regions, in particular CMC. He initiated a new approach for CMC built under a structure submitted to an earthquake, through a partnership with Itasca consultants (joint publication expected in 2016).
Updated on 30 septembre 2016