Director of the Regional Centre of the Forest Property of Aquitaine (and from January 1st 2017 of New Aquitaine), Roland DE LARY prepared an engineering degree in agronomy, completed by studies at the National School of Waters and Forests Engineering at Nancy. Born in Perigord (Aquitaine) he worked in various organizations including an expertise office, a timber trade, forestry cooperatives, a chamber of commerce and industry before returning to the CRPF structure in 2012 where he had worked as a young engineer in 1992. Owner himself and interested by developing strategies with economic, social and environmental realities, he did not miss an opportunity to open the debate on the considerable contribution of a forest according to its assets. Also alongside of amenities such preservation of water resources and carbon sequestration, the META FORET project opens its eyes to a new field of exploration.
Updated on 29 septembre 2016