Richard CRASTER, Imperial College London
Professor of Applied Mathematics, Head of Mathematics Department

Richard CRASTER graduated in 1989 from Imperial College with the prize as the top Mathematics student in the University of London, this was followed by Part III of the Mathematics Tripos (with distinction) from Cambridge, and he was awarded his PhD in 1992 having been based in industry at Schlumberger Cambridge Research. This was followed by a Junior Research Fellowship in Cambridge and he rejoined Imperial College in 1996 as an EPSRC Advanced Fellow ; becoming Full Professor in 2004. He left briefly to hold a distinguished chair in Canada (Alberta 2008-2010) returning to Imperial College to become Head of Department in 2010.
He has published over a 170 research articles across a spectrum of areas within applied Mathematics, Physics, Geophysics and Engineering, with continual substantive UK EPSRC research funding since 1995. The majority of this research is in collaboration with other mathematicians, engineers and physicists this being a style of “problem solving” and “mathematical modelling” Applied Mathematics that is distinctive in the UK. He is also one of the executive editors of the Quart. Jl. Mech. Appl. Math., an associate editor of both Wave Motion and the J. Eng. Math., and holds visiting/adjunct Professorships at the University of Alberta (Canada), and the University of Aix- Marseilles (France). He currently leads the Waves group in Mathematics at Imperial College that interacts strongly with the Non-destructive Evaluation (ultrasonics) group in Mechanical Engineering (with collaborations going back over a decade) and with the Metamaterials and Plasmonics group in Physics (with a major collaborative grant where he is principal investigator). There are numerous joint Phd students, postdoctoral researchers, joint grants : In recent years his research interests have become more focused upon Wave Mechanics both in elasticity and electromagnetism with expertise in numerical simulation, design of numerical algorithms, elastic wave modelling and homogenization/ effective media approaches to micro structured solids.
Updated on 29 septembre 2016