
ISTerre (Grenoble) is a renowned Earth Sciences laboratory that provides important research infrastructure both at the national and international levels. ISTerre has an important role in the management the French pool of mobile seismic instruments (including passive sensors and active sources), which provides us with the expertise and infrastructure necessary to carry out seismic field experiments, especially for La Réunion Island, where we have developed volcano-monitoring methods.
The two geophysics experiments will be carried out using either FairFieldNOdal or Sercel technology. Similar quotes have been obtained from these two companies ( 45 k€, see quote in "budget justification") for two weeks of continuous recordings on 1000 geophones. This part of the budget includes the engineering cost, data transfer and disk storage.
Besides geophysics experiments (WP1), ISTerre will contribute to META-FORET through laboratory-scaled experiments in collaboration with Institut Langevin (WP2). The acoustic laboratory at ISTerre was developed by P. Roux from 2005 onwards, and it includes two experimental rooms for a total of 200 m2 of available experimental area that are continuously maintained at the top of the art for future investigations. For example, the laser vibrometer which scanned the plate surface over squares of 25 cm x 25 cm through the use of motors (see Fig. 2 for details) has been modified with a new Scara THL600 Robot system that can scan surfaces of 60 cm x 60 cm.
Finally ISTerre, and Université Grenoble-Alpes will contribute to the project through their existing infrastructure (the High Parallel Computing cluster CIMENT in Grenoble) and the relevant expertise in massive data processing.

Updated on 29 septembre 2016